Art Direction and Poltergeist Specialist
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Art Direction and Dinosaur Specialist
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Strawberry Hill Live Feed
24-11-07: current obsession: the idea of being made out of metal. metal cas? still workshopping via the power cosmic
24-11-05: Current Obsession: wearing my retainer
24-10-31: I love LA
24-10-30: omg this one is for you Andre Ethier
24-10-25: i witnessed freddie freeman’s walk off grandslam at the bottom of the 10th at dodger stadium. thats like top 5 moments in la history, i think?
24-10-15: believe foo, believe!!!
24-10-15: Long live Hawkins House of Burger, Los Angeles, CA
24-10-15: the universe just means 1 song, you were born to dance
24-09-27: In memory of my dear friend, Gerard Lollie.
24-09-26: i was supposed to be the green ninja
24-06-20: theatre as a team sport
24-06-19: Comparing the gathering of all black artist at “the pop out” by kendrick lamar to “2 centuries of black american art” by David Driskell. both took place in Los Angeles.
24-06-18: I forgot to hit publish for 12 days, read these backlogs, apologies
24-06-17: Schools out 4 the summer (graduated)
24-06-16: Congrats Luke, Léo, and Sam
24-06-15: ugliness is the marker of progress :-)
24-06-14: temporal with no concern for history
24-06-13: can every technological change be defined as progress, hm let me think abt it
24-06-12: art is manufactured?
24-06-11: original entries are deemed archaic in nature
24-06-10: survival horror roots
24-06-09: the pop out
24-06-08: sunshine vfd presents strawberry elementary.come make an id
24-06-07: u don’t follow cryptids daily??
24-06-06: its all abt the mistakes 4 me fam
24-06-05: godspeed you! black emperor
24-06-04: primal desires render us all the same in the end
24-06-03: where did you come from
24-06-02: count your blessings, cut your loses, ease on down the road.
24-06-01: things fall apart and its not always your fault. sometimes it is tho
24-05-31: structure or activity based
24-05-30: 7 day theory
24-05-29: i will forever be a soldier
24-05-28: do u have to let it linger
24-05-27: we can’t take everybody wit us
24-05-26: reality is often more scary than science fiction/does she know?
24-05-25: sunshine vfd @ duality brewing June 8th
24-05-24: be very afraid
24-05-23: ancestoral guides heed my prayer
24-05-22: there is no defeat
24-05-21: Black Star Power
24-05-20: not all endings are good things. i think
24-05-19: i love taking the metro alone, naviagting the station after a transfer is the best
24-05-18: The water links us
24-05-17: New York food carts have really good graphic design, i want to make stuff like that, be back soon
24-05-16: my teachers an alien!
24-05-15: watermelon ice blended drink, need to work on that
24-05-14: something abt soup it is just special
24-05-13: kat is a realy good friend I appreicate her
24-05-12: print it out *unk voice*
24-05-11: Science fiction is real sometimes
24-05-10:keep that in mind pls
24-05-09: The line between science and magic is understanding/ any unfamiliar technology is magic to the viewer
24-05-08: There should be easier access to hi-res stock images of the earth, we all live here anyways
24-05-07: the appearance of malevolent spirits is an indicator of spacial decay
24-05-06: be friendly to the monsterous outsider
24-05-05: life is not abt second chances it’s about the little mouse and his voyage over the seas
24-05-04: the achilles heel of horror
24-05-03: Top 3 ghost of the 19th century
24-05-02: ill be there if im not somewhere else
24-05-01: strange worlds appear in my mind
24-04-30: If u are not reality, whose myth are you?
24-04-29: point and click games
24-04-28: Anthony Edwards
24-04-27:it’s just a word, not a title
24-04-26: reducing inflamation is always the key
24-04-25: How’s my driving?
24-04-24: plato’s stepchildren
24-04-23: stained glass windows keep the cold outside, what a day
24-04-22: Current obsession: Trader Joes sweet plantain chips and realizing im awesome
24-04-21: eerie times
24-04-20: children of the stardust
24-04-19: we live in the third dimension, how do we get to the fourth?
24-04-18: Is Cas a Yokai??
24-04-17: Current obsession: abstract phenomenon to concrete being pipeline
24-04-16: don’t play us cheap!
24-04-15: seclusion wasn’t in my plans !!
24-04-15: return from sunshine vfd satellite offices
24-04-14: 1-800-3COSTUMES
24-04-13: who controls the skies
24-04-12: Trying to figure out how to turn brain particles into physical change
24-04-11: damn that new fortnite skin hurt my pocket
24-04-10: monster of the week
24-04-09: hundreds of thousands of worlds exist beyond the plane of our own
24-04-08: feel da rain on your skin no one else can feel it for you!
24-04-07: even smart kids stick their fingers in electrical sockets sometimes
24-04-06: i love the smiling friends show
24-04-05: only fools seek to harm the brother of the wind
24-04-04:the faces will haunt you when you can’t see
24-04-03: we made a big hammer because I wanted to see a big hammer
24-04-02: secret lives of men and women
24-04-1: gecko on a window? nice take a screenshot
24-03-31: several local mystics predict an outer space landing in the coming days
24-03-30: the revolution doesn’t half step
24-03-29: song of the disembodied voices call to the chariot
24-03-28: green around the gills
24-03-27: I hate the dentist
24-03-26: tell the internet to stop playin with u
24-03-25: the end credit stop motion puppets from Chowder were really pushing the needle. its deeper than rap.
24-03-24: You always forget the small details of a vacation, like how many times i had to tie my shoe in new york that was a pain
24-03-23: making the band
24-03-22: The Incredible Hulk
24-03-21: Thank u Ethiopia!!
24-03-20: u must have lizards in your ears
24-03-19: southside walk it out
24-03-18: the water spirit brought us, the water spirit will take us home
24-03-17: The talking drum
24-03-16: Bottle Tree as ancestral protection
24-03-15: Phytoplankton hold the real power here
24-03-14: chlorophyll as proxy for productivity
24-03-13: Safe + Sound Dj Quick
24-03-12: Free Tigran, trial started the morning of March 12, 2024 (8:30 AM)
Update: Trial moved to the morning of March 28, free the homies.
24-03-11: Ispy Spooky Mansion
24-03-10: Prince 1999
24-03-09: A castle full of singing and music
24-03-08: The American Adversary
24-03-07: The Apple and The Tree
24-03-06: Angela Davis talk @ the University of Oregon
24-03-05: every memory made skin again/ the beginning of my subterranean archive in periodical order
24-03-04: careful, the desert spirits whisper at night
24-03-03: long live the flesh
24-03-02: Dreams are messages from the void
24-03-01: Ekman Transport
24-02-29: in the sky above there is water, red dwarfs, stories, Haile Selassie, star dust, and so many more things we do not yet have names for. Also happy birthday Tyrese Haliburton.
24-02-28: Craft is da new religion doe
24-02-28: Feeling a lot of pressure on the right hemisphere of my brain rn
24-02-27: Fly home to Zion
24-02-26: Current Obsession: making the four corners
24-02-25: when a tree falls and no one is around, the frogs still hear it
24-02-24: Current Obsession: Bedward & Garvey
24-02-23: he’ll turn into an alien before your very eyes
24-02-22: a note on miracles: people get used to them real quick.
24-02-21: dinosaur4hire
24-02-20: if u want to use wind magic, you gotta just think about using wind magic.
24-02-19: tunic of salamander
24-02-18: do u got chicken money??
24-02-17: which Louisiana fried chicken is the best in LA
24-02-16: 2:54 mark
24-02-15: is this a natural born killers reference or
24-02-14: Current Obsession: giant manta rays
24-02-13: Current Obsession: smoothies.
24-02-12:The librarian, the tech priest, and alexander.
24-02-11: Im going to read Beloved during the spring
24-02-10: I really like SWV
24-02-09: Current Obsession: sounds
24-02-08: Kobe Bryant
24-02-07: Current Obsession: making friends
24-02-06: As my good friend sam said, resumes in comic sans??
24-02-05: amazing toys 1982
24-02-04: trying to identify seasonal thermoclines and haloclines in relation to salinity, see ya soon
24-02-03: Gwen McCrae Melody of Life
24-02-02: ancestral knowledge be the guide
24-02-01: Happy Black History Month to all my fellow African Descended people, lets keep living the legacy and taking up space in institutions built to other us. Existence is resitance.
24-01-31: Dead-Sea fruit
24-01-31:reminder:rent due 2mrw
24-01-31: waiting for the second coming of miracles, brb
24-01-30: sorry, was on vacation. Live action Speed Racer movie 2008 is a good movie.
24-01-24: Samurai Jack episode XXVIII “Jack and the Rave”.
24-01-23: Home always looks different after a long trip, sometimes there is a new karate studio in the strip mall.
24-01-22: rob dillingham is really good at basketball
24-01-20:Dance party at deathrow 2night
24-01-19: Caswell Reed presents Sunshine VFD Home Video Vol. 2 now streaming on Youtube. (link to follow)
24-01-19: Rootwork- use of natural,botanical, and organic material to produce divination.
24-01-19: Conjure - cultivated interactions between human and non-human realms.
24-01-18: The Matrix viewed through the lens of Neo being a multiracial person navigating American Western society. I don’t need the red pill I need the caniac combo!
24-01-17: A chameleon named sunshine vfd.
24-01-17: Sunshine vfd home video vol.2 roughcut complete. Waiting on snow to melt for skate video.
24-01-16: Never walk through your house with a shovel, it is bad luck!
24-01-16: Ghost fear the gaze of the common yard chicken.
24-01-15: Rip Jesus, the first dead homie.
24-01-14: We roam tundras(14 degrees in Eugene, OR)
24-01-13 update: I beat it
24-01-10: Strep Throat sucks
24-01-09: Sunshine VFD skate videos 2024
24-01-09: Davonte Jolly & Pope L.
24-01-08: Horror movie interior design. An underrated practice.
24-01-08: Sam’s rotating room. Office in an elevator?? Let’s look into that pls.
24-01-08: Big cuzzo with the nollie back heal. all pop.
24-01-08:Email blast as a way to spread art??
24-01-07: Y0 CHAT
24-01-06:Monsters Near U
24-01-05: Where we at wid it??
24-01-04: Mummy Keychains
24-01-03: Fright Week
24-01-02: On Jojo Ruski n em
24-01-01: I ain’t sayin it lmao
23-12-31: Prison or Hermitage
23-12-30: Go to Afrika, why is Mr. Beast in Afrika??? Race Invaders smh.
23-12-29: 12 plastic colored dinosaurs
23-12-28: Don’t forget the teenage mutant part when talking about the ninja turtles.
23-12-27: scrap metals
23-12-26: haunted house rock
23-12-25: George Michael sure knew how to make a hit. RIP
23-12-24: Free mint for the road??
23-03-07: Looking for inspiration